Our talented Producers and Editors record interviews, collect video footage, music, and more, and assemble it into your favorite WEDU productions.
Once a project's pre-production (planning and research) and production (filming and photography) stages are completed, it is time for post-production, AKA the Editing stage!
After organizing all our footage (and backing it up just in case!), we get transcripts made of all the interviews that we conducted. We then create what is called a ‘paper cut’, sorting through the best quotes and forming a basic structure/storyline for the video. The interviews are called the ‘A-Roll’ of the project—the primary footage. Once the A-Roll has been cut down, tweaked, and is in a good place, we then typically begin placing in the B-Roll, also known as the supplementary or supporting footage.
There are many other intricate steps that go into editing, such as color grading the footage, adjusting audio levels, creating graphics, and combing through extensive music libraries for the perfect soundtracks for each project. We also spend a great deal of time researching archival footage (as well as news clips, supporting footage, etc.) and photographs to use in our work to really take the viewer on a more immersive journey into the topic being covered.
Throughout the editing process, Editors/Producers collaborate and offer each other input to make each project the best that it can be. Most days as an Editor, you come into the office, put in your headphones and get straight to editing and doing your thing; but other days, you may work with a group to go over what you have and make changes with your Production team.
Once the video is basically finished, we wrap it up in a bow by placing the WEDU branding/logo graphics into the project timeline. Once everything has been approved by our Executive Producer/Director of Content, we can export the project for broadcast and/or digital, and it is ready for viewers’ eyes!