Reducing Food Waste
Imagine sitting down to breakfast. On the plate in front of you, next to the steaming cup of coffee, are 10 hard-boiled eggs. A hearty meal by any stretch of the imagination. Now stand up, grab the plate, walk over to the trash can, and throw all the eggs away.
The calories in those eggs is equivalent to what each American throws away...every day. That’s approximately 30% of all food, or roughly $130B dollars. But you’re not just throwing away the eggs, also lost is the water the hens drank, the feed they ate, the time of the farmer, and the energy to bring those eggs to your grocery store. Food waste affects both our calorie supply and the environment.
In the United States, we are fortunate to have a stable production and transport system for food. Most food waste happens at the retail and consumer level. The silver lining there is that each of us has agency to make small changes that can have an outsized impact on sustainability. Here are tips to start you out.
List It
Keep a grocery list on your phone. When you need something, jot it down. Be sure to include quantities. When you get to the store, stick to the list. Unplanned BOGO’s and clearance items are alluring but often wasteful.
Pack It
"The rotten apple spoils his companion.” Benjamin Franklin may not have been talking literally about apples, but he’s not wrong. Storing food in the right containers and environment can have a big impact on its shelf-life.
Blend It
Those black spots on bananas seem less scary when transformed into a smoothie. Most fruits, and many leafy greens, were built for blending.
Organize It
How many times have you hit the grocery store and wondered if you have any carrots in the fridge? Rather than making a second trip, you buy a “safety” stash, only to find out you had a full bag at home. Keeping your pantry and fridge organized helps you stay on top of what’s already at home. See also “List It”.
Freeze It
Whether you nabbed a tub of clearance blueberries at Costco, or just forgot about the spinach in the bottom drawer, freezing is a fantastic way to preserve produce. Stir-fry's, soups, and smoothies scream out for frozen items.
Broth It
Revisit our blog to turn veggie scraps into a tasty broth.
Pickle It
Pickling has been around for thousands of years. Not only is it a great way to preserve vegetables, but “pickles” add unique flavor to so many dishes. Think outside the cucumber: onions, beets, cauliflower, asparagus, and more.
Share It
Save food while bringing joy to a friend, neighbor, or work colleague. Cook those extra eggplants and invite a friend over to dinner. Going on vacation? Clean out the fridge and bring those cucumbers into the office break room. Who doesn’t love a freebie?
Compost It
Another blast from the Sustain past.
Take It
Turns out that personal pizza is big enough for two. Grab a To-Go box and tomorrow’s lunch is sorted.
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