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Where do I park? | Parking Map

Free public parking is available at Julian B. Lane Park (across from WEDU), Beulah Baptist Church (on W. Cypress St.), Tampa Preparatory School (on W. Cass St.), and the residential streets surrounding the WEDU station. Handicap parking is available in the parking lot on the north side of WEDU, on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests can either walk to the WEDU PBS station or take advantage of a FREE trolley service that circulates the listed parking lots every 10-15 minutes on Be My Neighbor Day! 

Where do I park my stroller?  

Stroller parking will be provided just inside the WEDU PBS Studios entrance. Please look for the Stroller Parking sign when you walk in! 

Where can I go to find a quiet place if my child has sensory needs?  

Inside the WEDU station, near the restrooms and lobby, you'll find the Sensory Relief Zone, offering activity books and comfortable seating for children who may need a break from the festivities. 

Will there be food or snacks available?  

Yes! Food trucks will be at the event with refreshments available for purchase, as well as a free water station around the station. You are also welcome to bring your own snacks.  

Where do I pick up my free tote bag to carry all my Be My Neighbor Day goodies?  

You will receive your free tote bag at the table near the entrance to the station (by the fenced area with the large satellite dish).  

Where and when do we get to meet Daniel Tiger and Katerina Kittycat?  

You will have the opportunity to meet and greet them in the WEDU PBS KIDS Fun Zone in Studio 1, starting at 10:30 a.m. 

What do I do if my child or someone else needs medical attention? 

The WEDU medical tent is located near the main event entrance on North Blvd, with first responders on-site, including an ambulance near the Green Village area. Additionally, first aid-certified staff members are stationed throughout the venue—just look for WEDU staff wearing first aid armbands! 

What do I do if my child gets lost or separated from me?  

A Welcome tent is located at the main event entrance, where you can wait for your child to be found and reunited with you. 

Where do I find photos of the event after it’s over? 

Visit to explore our Flickr and view full photos from this and other exciting WEDU events. 

Is the event pet-friendly? 

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees, especially the many young children, we kindly ask you to leave your pets at home. Thank you for your understanding!
